How do I use Optikey?

All the Optikey apps are available as free downloads from this website. To use Optikey, you will need a Windows PC (laptop, desktop or tablet). For the best experience, we recommend Windows 10, but all the Optikey apps should work on Windows 7 and above.

You will need an eye tracker if you want to control Optikey with your eyes, but you might want to try it out first using a standard mouse for testing.

Recommended setup

If at all possible, we recommend you try to borrow or trial an eye tracker/computer setup before spending money to ensure that you like Optikey and that it does what you need.

Note that from version 4.0 onwards, Optikey no longer supports the MyGaze, or certain Tobii eye trackers. See Optikey compatibility & versioning for more information.

For more information about what eye trackers are supported by Optikey, see Supported eye trackers.

First time setup

To install and configure Optikey for your setup, please see First time setup


I just wanted you to know that today my husband David spoke using Optikey for the first time! I am so very grateful. This is transformation software. You have already changed our lives for the better.

Optikey is so incredible - my wife enjoys using it immensely. She can't use her hands and Optikey lets her use her PC again after 4 years because her hands are in too much pain.

We had originally looked at another option that was nearly £9,000. We started crowdfunding, but we are nowhere near that. With your software things seem possible again!

I (an occupational therapist) set this up for a client for trial on a Surface Pro and EyeGaze and had it working beautifully. Optikey is brilliant.

My dad appreciated Optikey immensely, as it gave him his voice back.

Since my family supplied me with Optikey I stopped feeling helpless. I can express my needs, share my feelings, and speak with others. Communication is most important. I am very grateful for Optikey.

I am a transverse myelitis patient. Thank you for changing my life.

Optikey is essential for my dad. I'm sure you've helped lots of people immensely.

Eye tracking tech needs to be available for all people who go through something like ALS/MND. Having a voice is so important. Thank you thank you thank you.

My father is using Optikey to comunicate - thank you very much for this software. You have given hope and a voice to my father I will always be grateful to you.

I would like to say this is a wonderful thing you are doing for people in need. You have our greatest respect for what you are doing to make such a profound difference in peoples lives.

I'm so thankful this software exists. We have tried this on our PC for my mom and for the first time in a long time she's been able to communicate exactly what she intended to, as oppose to us reading her lips and guessing.

My sincerest thanks to you for this program. This will help my best friend be able to communicate in a way that people can understand. He suffered severe brain damage and has not been able to speak clearly for many years. You are a blessing.

We are using Optikey here in Izmir, Turkey. We are so happy. Optikey is wonderful, thank you so much!

Just wanted to say that Optikey has reached all the way to the Philippines. My friend’s dad has ALS and hasn’t been able to communicate for almost 10 years now. You’re an inspiration, man.

Ahora que llevo 2 meses usando Optikey, puedo decir que uso el portátil tan rápido como antes de padecer ela, mis hijos y mi esposa alucinan. (Now that I have been using Optikey for 2 months, I can say that I use the laptop as fast as before - my children and my wife hallucinate!)

I want to thank you for the incredible gift that you have gaven to ALS patients. My father has this disease and at the moment he is losing his voice. Thank you so much, you have given us the chance to hear and help my daddy.

I trialled Optikey last night and was blown away that I was writing words with my eyes in less than two minutes. The fact this is being made available free will be a game changer for anyone with a condition that causes paralysis.

My family friends' daughter in Serbia is unable to communicate due to her speech impairment. We set up a tablet with Optikey to allow her to speak using symbols. It works perfectly! The amount of gratitude for what you’ve been building and for making it so widely available is huge. Thanks so much.

I'm really enjoying this for typing - it's got the ease of use of Grid 3, but with way better prediction. It's utterly brilliant.

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