How do I use Optikey?
All the Optikey apps are available as free downloads from this website. To use Optikey, you will need a Windows PC (laptop, desktop or tablet). For the best experience, we recommend Windows 10, but all the Optikey apps should work on Windows 7 and above.
You will need an eye tracker if you want to control Optikey with your eyes, but you might want to try it out first using a standard mouse for testing.
Recommended setup
If at all possible, we recommend you try to borrow or trial an eye tracker/computer setup before spending money to ensure that you like Optikey and that it does what you need.
Note that from version 4.0 onwards, Optikey no longer supports the MyGaze, or certain Tobii eye trackers. See Optikey compatibility & versioning for more information.
For more information about what eye trackers are supported by Optikey, see Supported eye trackers.
First time setup
To install and configure Optikey for your setup, please see First time setup